EDX3000X X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

EDX 3000X X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer is Skyray most popular model for Gold and Precious Metals analysis. Thanks to Electro-cooling Si-Pin semiconductor detector EDX3000X can achieve 0.1% accuracy with 30-60 seconds non-destructive analysis. Able to analyze up to 24 elements simultaneously in the range of Potassium(K)- Uranium(U).

  • Improved testing stability and accuracy with Signal to Noise Enhancer
  • Rapid and accurate data processing with Digital Pulse Processor
  • Accurate measurement without standard sample
  • Karat weight and elemental identification
  • Independent matrix effect correction
  • Multi-variable non-linear regression
  • Real-time display of high definition spectrum
  • Built-In high resolution camera
Application Fields
  • Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Cu, Zn, Ni and elements Potassium(K)- Uranium(U)
  • Precious metal and jewelry processing industries
  • Banks, jewelry stores and PMI testing facilities
Technical Specifications
Measurable elements: Potassium ( K ) - Uranium ( U )
Measurement accuracy: 0.05%
Repeatability: 0.1
Ambient temperature: 15°C-30°C
Ambient humidity: 35-70%
Test time: 60-100s
Power: AC 220V ± 5V or AC 110V ± 5V
Detector: Electro-cooling Si-Pin Semiconductor Detector
Simultaneous analysis: maximum 24 elements
Energy Resolution: ( 149-±5 ) eV
Tube voltage: 5kV 50kV
Tube current: 50 mA-1000 mA
Configuration: Single Sample Chamber, CCD Camera, X-Ray tube, Amplifier Circuit, High Voltage Power Supply


Skyray Instruments specializes in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of analytical and measuring instruments in Spectroscopy, Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy fields. Our Products include X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Gas Chromatography, Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry and many others. With advanced research and development team Skyray has been providing customers around the world with reliable and affordable Scientific Instruments for more than 20 years